Everglades Winter Fishing Report
I hope everyone had a Very Merry Christmas and a safe New Years Eve. 2022 is here and there’s nothing we can do about it, except be grateful that 2021 is behind us. I’ll have to say, 2021 was a…
I hope everyone had a Very Merry Christmas and a safe New Years Eve. 2022 is here and there’s nothing we can do about it, except be grateful that 2021 is behind us. I’ll have to say, 2021 was a…
It’s always funny to me how the fishing can be so good, and the weather seems perfect, right up until the first massive push of Snow Birds come down. It’s almost like they all come down in such a big…
It’s been a little while since I’ve posted, but that doesn’t mean it’s been slow. Actually, it’s been the opposite. This year has been crazy busy. I guess it has mostly to do with the Covid and people not being…
Summertime is never a disappointment. It’s clearly my favorite time of year to fish. The crowds are gone and the fish are here. I wish some of my seasonal guys could experience the Summertime but I’m pretty sure they would…
As I’ve said before, the Summer time in the Everglades is my favorite time to fish for Snook on top water plugs. The big girls are out on the outside and you have to fish early, because of heat and…
On a trip a few weeks back, into the Everglades, I had Clay and Harold from Texas. They wanted to catch Snook, which was a welcome relief from Tarpon fishing, which I had been doing since pretty much March. Tarpon…
So the wind quit blowing for about two weeks, and as you can imagine, the fishing was pretty awesome. And now the wind is blowing again. This has to be the windiest year I’ve fished. Ridiculous. But, we’re still managing…
Well, mother Nature strikes yet again... Funny how the more the wind blows, the more you get use to it. One of those things where you learn to cope, I guess. And just when you thought, surely this is the…
Well, we’re deep into the Winter fishing here in the Everglades. One cold front after another with days between them pretty nice. Even on some of the more tough weather days, the fishing can be pretty good. And on some…
Well, Winter has made it! It’s been in the 40’s a couple of times in the last few weeks. Now I know some of you may think, 40’s ain’t cold! You May be right if you live in Wisconsin, but…