Everglades Backcountry Fishing Report by Capt. Wright Taylor
Well, Winter is coming. Time to transition to the colder weather spots, primarily the “back country” of the Everglades. Snook will be the fish of choice when fly fishing and artificial plugs and jigs. Redfish will be around also, as well as trout, but Snook will be the main target. We just went from high 80’s to low 60’s overnight, now I know some of you probably think that’s not a big deal, but Snook are very temperature sensitive and they will move to deeper water or into the back country where the water is dark, and so is the bottom, which acts like Mother Nature’s water heater. And the one fish that will definitely not be seen for a while, at least in big numbers, are the bigger tarpon. Tarpon will usually keep pushing further south and try to stay warm. We’ll usually start to see them again in March. But, just yesterday, I had Tim from Wisconsin out and we were lucky enough to find some, probably making their way through. We got one to eat and fought it to the boat. About a 90 lb’r.

I also had Raymond M from Mobile out a few days before that and we caught a bunch of smaller Snook and some baby Tarpon.

Wright Taylor